Holiday Activities 2024 for Children

Ramadan 2024 Acvtivities

Programmes Ramadan 2024 Pour les sœurs

TITLE: RAMADAN LE MOIS DE L’ESPOIR 17 Mars de 10.00 – 11.45 a.m. “Pourquoi jeûner? Les jeunes obligatoires et les jeunes volontaires les lundi et jeudi et 13/14/15 de chaque mois” Par Haleemah Meeah Khan 24 Mars de 10.00 – 11.45 a.m. “Comment le Tahajjud supprime notre stress et nos péchés. Parlez à Allah ce […]
Activités Pour Les Enfants (Nov – Dec 2023)

Visit To Kanhye Health Foods Factory

SENS Students visited KANHYE HEALTH FOODS CO LTD Brede Mouroum factory and a detour at Anse la Raie beach on 8th May 2023. We would like to extend our gratitude to VKHF management, to the teachers and staff who accompanied the students. Collaborations like these play a vital role in bridging the gap between classroom […]
Workshop by Dr Nasreen Begum

Free Workshop on Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy Dry and Wet Hijama with proper diet plan. By Dr Nasreen Begum from Pakistan who has 13 years of experience treating several chronic disorders with counselling.
Egg Distribution

Distribution of eggs to our students, staff, and needy people. And ration to needy people only. Thanks a Lot to Our Sponsors (408 pack eggs)
Award Ceremony (RPL- Recognition of Prior Learning)

Award Ceremony (RPL- Recognition of Prior Learning) Fully Awarded. In SEN SECTOR. 11 candidates were awarded full award out of the many staffs that were enrolled in RPL
SweetCorn Distribution

SweetCorn distribution to student- HomeDelivery on this Sunday Afternoon Maille bouil. Thanks lots to our friend for sweetcorn Happy Kids Happy Us
Fun Day

Fun Day Caption Thanks lots to all our sponsors: 330 burger king, delo from pepsi cola, gift and ice cream from several well-wisher, gift hamler from eagle brand and lazzat and a big thanks to each and everyone contributing for this success